someone browsing the web on their laptop and on their smartphone

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising

Work with our certified Google Ads specialists to reach more customers and get a better return on your investment.

PPC (pay-per-click) Advertising from a Professional Google Ads Agency

About 90% of online traffic begins by opening a search engine and typing in a product or service.

For obvious reasons then, boosting where your website ranks in search results is vital. PPC marketing is one way to do that and can be crucial to the success of any business these days. To stay relevant in today’s ultra-competitive business scene, companies need to quickly adapt to their hyper-connected consumers.

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Why Use Paid Online Advertising?

Your business could have a great website, but maybe your online visibility is far from ideal. You expect to see your website high up in search results, but it’s nowhere to be found, even after using your inside knowledge of terms, jargon, and your own company name. If you’re having a hard time, it’s doubtful that potential customers will be able to find you either.

Why are all these other websites listed on the first page? What are they doing that you aren’t? The answer is simple––they paid to rank higher.

It's true that search engines use an algorithm to find your website based on keywords. It’s also true that search engines offer opportunities to rank higher in the results list by using paid online advertising.

But it’s not as simple as it sounds––paid advertising is a complex and time-consuming task that can easily derail if done incorrectly.

PPC Advertising: What to Know

You already know that including stellar content writing and pinpointed SEO efforts are key to naturally boosting your website’s relevance and visibility. But paid advertising is a different animal. There is a whole array of creative options to advertise your business––here are just a few:

PPC Search Ads (Pay-per-click)

Bidding on keywords that customers are searching for can win higher placement. Campaigns and landing pages also need to be relevant and useful to your target audience.

Display Ads

Banners at the top of web pages or in other areas devoted to paid advertising. Designed for quick conversions and can include text, interactive features, videos, and images.

Remarketing Ads

Reconnect with visitors who’ve interacted with your business’s website, mobile app, or YouTube videos. Run ads that target customers as they browse other websites and mobile apps––appeal to a specific slice of your audience, or take a large-scale approach.

Product Listings

Provide detailed information including product name, your company name, an image, and the price. When people search for a product, your listings will show up on Google results and even on the potential customer’s shopping portal.

Targeted Local Ads

Focus advertising efforts in areas where you actually do business. Local ads only appear in certain geographic locations to people who are potential customers.

Mobile Ads

Specifically made for mobile devices, which are more often used by consumers for online shopping––a piece of the market very much worth capturing.

Social Media Ads

There are a wide variety of platforms to choose from, including YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Demographics drive the placement of ads to reach your target audience.

Paid Advertising & How Alt Media Studios Can Help Your Business Grow

At Alt Media Studios (AMST) we can definitely use paid online advertising to rank your business high on a search engine list, but that’s just the beginning.

Your ad could also be a sponsored listing that's featured in a web page banner or side bar. It could populate the sites that your potential customers visit as they surf the web, building brand recognition and reminding them of that product or service they searched for earlier. This is a prime way to build relevance into your advertising and reap results from every online interaction.

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Benefits of using paid online advertising:

  • Optimal placement on search engine result pages
  • Targeted campaigns
  • Immediate, quality website traffic that converts to sales
  • Control over your ads
  • Measurable results and test marketing ability
  • Better cost-return benefit than traditional marketing

We’ll manage all this behind the scenes while you handle your day-to-day business operations. Everyone specializes in something, so why not leave this one to the advertising experts. Get in touch today to learn more about paid advertising and all of our digital marketing services. We’re ready to help your business grow!

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