Maple syrup & maple leaf on textured background

Case Study: Boosting Sales With a Targeted Advertising Campaign

Find out how we helped our client capitalize on sales opportunities for dramatic increases and gains.

Find out how we helped our client capitalize on sales opportunities for dramatic increases and gains.

Our client, a small-scale retailer of maple syrup products and supplies, needed some direction to make the best use of their advertising budget. Our pay-per-click advertising specialists swooped in and saved the day.

The Goal

After years of working on their Shopify website, handling SEO to increase organic traffic, developing custom content, and running advertising services, we saw an opportunity for our client. At the time, they were only running seasonal ads, during holidays and the warmer months. Their goal was to increase sales, and we thought that the best way to tackle this was through more targeted advertising campaigns.

The Strategy

After consulting with our client and getting their signoff on our plan, we switched their advertising spending from a fairly large budget that was seasonally concentrated, to a more consistent plan that spread the budget across the whole year. The aim was to increase the potential of receiving more conversions throughout the year. We were conservative at first, aiming to stick close to the same overall budget, breaking it into smaller amounts to be used monthly. Eventually our client wanted to increase their advertising budget, keeping the year-long plan in place while also adding extra funds to be used seasonally.

The Results

Are you sitting down? Because these results knocked us back when we first crunched the numbers. Following this increased focus on advertising, our client saw the following year-over-year results:

  • 87% increase in orders
  • 69% increase in gross sales
  • 49% increase in net sales
  • 63% increase in shipping income

Their investment paired with our efforts and well-honed expertise in pay-per-click advertising brought them gains that most companies can only dream of! This success was a testament to the wide appeal of their products that simply needed to be put out there online, at the right time, and in front of the right eyes and ears. Those results earn a well-earned well done all around!

The Takeaway

This was a standard case of our knowledge and experience informing a suggestion made to our client. But it isn’t a standard case on the client’s end–even though folks come to us for help with all things digital marketing because they perceive us as the consummate experts we are, many still aren’t comfortable handing over the reins and accepting our well-informed suggestions. We do all we can to earn trust, but it has to be given for this partnership to thrive. We’re thrilled that accepting our suggestion and trusting our expertise brought about such stellar results for our client and hope this success train keeps right on rolling. 

Here at Alt Media Studios we’re always working on it, and we know it’s possible, but trust can take a long while before it’s earned. We love the process though, and welcome the relationship. Test us out and see what our knowledge can do for your company! Get in touch to see how our expert team and full suite of digital marketing services can help your business reach new heights.

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